Eero Nevaluoto

Identifying Security Threats on On-Premises Linux Servers with Microsoft Sentinel

A little while ago I wrote about adding on-premises servers or virtual servers to your tenant using Azure Arc, and in the article touched a little on Defender for Cloud and using it to protect work...

Storing Custom Encryption Keys in Azure Key Vault for VM Encryption

In my ongoing quest to turn assigned tasks into deeper dives into learning opportunities and blog content, this time I’m looking at enabling encryption on Azure resources, more specifically on VM d...

How to Get Started with Azure Arc and Azure Defender for Cloud

The other day like a week ago now, gosh, I took part in a webinar that gave an overview of Azure Arc and Azure Sentinel, and while I’ve recently been somewhat busy with Sentinel related things in g...

Automatically Closing Defender for Cloud Incidents After Azure Sentinel Ingestion

After enabling Azure Sentinel as the SIEM/SOAR solution and using Defender for Cloud as one of the data ingestion sources I found myself in a predictable-in-hindsight situation where I get the inci...

My SC-200 - Microsoft Security Operations Analyst Certification Renewal Experience

Back in the summer of last year I took part in the Microsoft Cloud Skills Challenge during Microsoft Build, and managed to go through the material and earn a free certification attempt. I chose the...

Creating a Free Jekyll Blog using Azure Static Web Apps

As I’ve both written in the About section of the site and in my recent update about the status of the blog, the site got its start on AWS Amplify. AWS Amplify is “a set of purpose-built tools and f...

Blog and Personal Updates for 2023

Dear diary, looking at the update frequency of my blog, or more specifically lack of such, it’s safe to say that this year has been off to a very rocky start. As usual, lots has been going on, luck...

THM Advent of Cyber - Day 15

Today’ we’ll be focusing on Secure Coding, and while the task will mostly be about reading there’s a little reverse shell example to be tested out. Day 15 What is the name given to file uploads t...

THM Advent of Cyber - Day 14

To finish up the week(end) we’re working on catching up the Advent of Cyber tasks, and today is focused on Web Applications, which works pretty well in my currelt project of going through the APISe...

THM Advent of Cyber - Day 13

The next step in our adventure revolves aorund packet analysis, so I reckon we’re about to fire up WireShark and do some digging into a PCAP file, something that I find rather enjoyable to do. Day...