Lately I’ve been in a rather deep slump when it comes to studying the things that I should, and instead I’ve been finding it more interesting to just read up on solar panels and whatnot and tinker with my new Home Assistant setup (so I suppose it’s not all bad…), but without going all woe-is-me I’ve been looking for that kick in the nuts that would get me sorted again. I think I’ve found it.
TryHackMe has done their annual Advent of Cyber for 3 years in row now, this year being the fourth, and while I did miss the last year’s event (all the old ones are still available though, might need to take a look later!) my Premium subscription is still running so I should probably make the most out of it. Thus I’ll be challenging myself to take part in each day’s activities and publish a little write-up for them.
As for the available prizes? Eh, I’m good, although I could probably come up with something to do with a ZenBook and especially a Raspberry Pi, and maybe the Hak5 stuff could prove interesting, but expect failure so you won’t be disappointed and all that.
The zeroeth day is mainly about the rules of the competition, if you’d want to call it that, and going over the backstory, so we’re not going to get to do any hands-on things just yet. At the same time this lets me act like I am doing some actual work today and get that little activity tick on GitHub, nice. But tomorrow we’ll start hunting down whoever has attacked out webstore.