Dear diary, looking at the update frequency of my blog, or more specifically lack of such, it’s safe to say that this year has been off to a very rocky start. As usual, lots has been going on, luckily not all of it bad, but overall this part of my life I have been neglecting completely, and I am not happy about it.
Going over the blog stuff first, while I’m looking to have a little more comprehensive write-up in the near future, the short of it is that I have finally ditched AWS Amplify as the hosting platform, and moved to Azure Static Web Apps. This is both because I like money, and because I have taken a turn towards Azure/Microsoft side of things in general, so moving stuff over helps me going forward in multiple ways. Was it as easy as pointing a service to my GitHub repo, as was the original plan when using GitHub as part of the workflow? Ha, you wish. But we’ll get to that.
On a more personal note, I’ve just about been able to keep up with things, but hopefully everything is getting somewhat more organized now. While I have been recently studying for the AZ-104: Azure Administrator certification, I also took up AI-900 and DP-900 as the final Microsoft Virtual Training Days offerings, and need to get those in the bag soon. Oh, and then there’s the “30 Days to Learn It / Cloud Skills Challenge” for AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions, which is a bit jumping the gun, but at the same time the discounted voucher would help a lot in the near-ish future. And then I’m trying to keep up with all the security stuff as well…
So much to do, so little time.